Welcome to the English Part of the MemoVision-Website

MEMOVISION® is an international company founded by
Dr. Gunther Karsten – the World Memory Champion 2007 &
reigning Senior World Memory Champion (since 12/2023)
Since 1998 Dr. Karsten gives seminars and lectures (in German and English) about the amazing capabilities of the human memory, using creativity in learning and the benefits of memory techniques in business. He is a renowned keynote-speaker having lectured in many countries of the world mainly for big companies such as Microsoft, Hitachi, VW, Lufthansa, BASF, Fujitsu-Siemens or IBM.
In 1999 Dr. G. Karsten was nominated for the „Brain of the Year“ award together with Steven Spielberg and Bill Gates.

Most often his SPEECH „The Secrets of Learning like a World Champion“ (45-90 min) is booked for events, congresses, jubilee
celebrations or for (inter)national fairs – till now, he has astonished thousands of people about the human brain´s fantastic abilities!
Costs for a speech by Dr. Karsten: 10 000 $ plus 1$/1 km traveling expenses plus 5* hotel accomodation
Total costs examples for lectures in English for different capital cities (plus accomodation & vat):
New York: 16 500 $ | Los Angelos: 20 000 $ | Hongkong: 20 000 $ |
Moscow: 13 000 $ | Dubai: 15 000 $ | Tokyo: 22 000 $ |
(PRICE: + 25% for additional booking of
3-times Woman World Memory Champion
Dr. Michaela Buchvaldova – Karsten)
If you are interested, please send the inquiry to: info@memovision.de
NOTE: For public lectures, charity events, and non-profit organizations Dr. Karsten offers specially reduced rates!

More information about the Memory World
Champion Dr. Gunther Karsten
Dr. Karsten has been one of best memorizers in the world since 1998 in total winning 18 times the world memory champion title in different disciplines. In the last years he has set numerous world records: e.g. in the very complex discipline “abstract images” on the World Memory Championship 2009 in London with 318 images memorized in 15 min. Moreover, he is the 8-times German Memory champion and is one of the few Decathlon Grandmasters of Memory. In 2007 he became even the best memory sport athlete on the globe:
With a total score of 7631 in the international standard championship with 10 disciplines – the highest score ever reached in the history of memory sport – he became TOP 1 of the world ranking list in 7/2007. Finally, one month later he won the World Memory Championship 2007 hold in Bahrain becoming the “World Memory Champion 2007”.
He is one of the leading memory coaches in Germany (having taught people/ celebrities on TV successfully) and the world´s leading coach in teaching kids and juniors, who have been rewarded with the highest honors in memory sport such as junior world memory champion or kid world memory champion. One of his students was also able to finish the high school education (in Germany: Gymnasium) 3 years earlier than normal (being the youngest student throughout Germany of that year!).
Dr. Karsten offers through his training company MEMOVISION® (Memory, Mind & Mental Skills) seminars in the areas of memory improvement, creativity and turbo reading in Germany, Asia and throughout Europe. In cooperation with his former Asian partner in Hongkong (Global AmazMemory Education, GAE) he has spread his knowledge about the fantastic and phenomenal mental techniques – he developed and is using, but which everybody is able to learn – also to the eastern part of our planet. Moreover, his bestseller books are also sold successfully on the Chinese and Japanese market.
10 advantages of memory & mental training
Everybody can improve his/her memory and learning capabilities immensely. With the techniques, methods and strategies taught by MEMOVISION® every human being can attain the following advantages and objects by seriously integrating them into the job, school/university or every days life:
You will
1. – accelerate your learning by making it more efficient
2. – boost your fantasy and creative thinking
3. – decrease the negative stress phenomenon of forgetting
4. – build up an enormous, more sure and permanent knowledge
5. – strengthen your self secureness and competence
6. – save time in taking up information (being always a step ahead over your colleagues)
7. – stimulate the fun factor of learning
8. – become quicker and more imaginative in problem solving
9. – enlarge your IQ by using your phenomenal visualisation capabilities
10.- get more success and acceptance in your company, school, university, etc.
Thus, there is no time to loose:
Dr. Gunther Karsten
President and founder of MEMOVISION®
Grandmaster of Memory
Memory World Record Holder
Vice World Memory Champion 2001, 2005, 2006 & 2008
18-times World Memory Champion in several memory disciplines
6-times World Champion with the German National Memory Team
8-times German Memory Champion
World Memory Champion 2007